Combine Testing Protocol#
Sprints #
All sprints should be conducted on a track surface and must be measured by a laser timing system. To start, athletes must have both feet on the track and both feet touching the line, which is one-meter rear of the first timing eye. The athlete may start from a static position or they may perform a falling start. The first timing eye should be 15 inches off the ground while the rest of the timing eyes should be set up at least 36 inches from the ground. Times will be for 0-15, 0-30, 0-45, and 15-45 (30m split).
Broad Jump #
Standing with toes on the line jump into pit. It is the distance from the edge of the board (line) closest to the sand pit, to the farthest back mark in the sand.
Shot Toss #
Shots (not a medicine ball) must be thrown forward and underhand with two hands. Distance is measured from a consistent take-off point to the nearest tenth of a meter. Athletes may fall forward and cross the take-off point only after they have released the shot. Men will throw a 16lb shot. Women will throw a 12lb shot.
Additional testing will take place at invite only National Team camps. Athletes should be prepared to do 1-3 repetitions at maximum weight in the power clean and back squat. Other Olympic lifts may also be tested.